
Alison Schreuder
How To Navigate Your Monthly Box Subscription

How To Navigate Your Monthly Box Subscription

Your monthly subscription doesn't have to cause you monthly stress, so here are some guides on how to manage your box -   Logging into your profile Head to In the upper right hand corner there will be a circular icon with a person, click that.                Enter in your login info.  If you never confirmed your email address with us, and you're having trouble logging in, don't worry. There is an option below the login that says Having issues managing your subscriptions?Go ahead and click there. You will be guided to a page...

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Alison Schreuder
Is “Humane Slaughter” an oxymoron?

Is “Humane Slaughter” an oxymoron?

Almost daily I have farmers across the region call and ask, “what did it take to go federal?” or “how much would it cost me to build my own plant?” or “I can’t find anywhere to slaughter and process- how hard would it be for me to do it myself?”. My answer is always the same: do NOT build a slaughterhouse. If you can find a place to slaughter for you, just build a little cutting room with a walk-in cooler and freezer to do your own processing under inspection.  Why do I recommend this? Disclaimer: I’m going to discuss...

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Alison Schreuder
HR should stand for hard & robust, am I right?

HR should stand for hard & robust, am I right?

  7 years ago I moved home from New Orleans with an idea and a rudimentary business plan.  I quickly realized the plan required two things: capital and staff.  The capital is an ongoing struggle, and has been resourcefully patched together through loans, grants, and family sacrifice.  The staff part of the equation is what I’d like to focus on today.  Our team started in 2014, when I hired Andy Stubblefield, a friend from high school.  From there, our staff grew slowly until we opened the processing plant about 3 years ago, at which time we brought on several employees. ...

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Alison Schreuder
Where's The Beef?  Let's Keep It In the Southeast!

Where's The Beef? Let's Keep It In the Southeast!

This week we would like to discuss the beef supply chain. Please bear with us- this might get a little wonky.  Disclaimer: I am making very general claims and descriptions for explanation purposes; variations from these descriptions certainly exist.  As some of you may know, from the time a calf is born to when it is ready to slaughter takes 2 years to *30 months. This 24 to 30 month journey is segmented into specialized producer groups. The most common of these in the southeast is the cow-calf operation. As you cruise country highways enjoying pastoral scenery, this is what you...

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