Home Place Pastures is one of the few pastured pork and grass fed beef producers in the country who operate their own USDA harvest and processing facility in the middle of their farming operation.

This is a challenging but vital part of our mission. Without this facility we cannot connect our farming practices to our end customers; here our livestock are transformed into delicious, nutrient dense protein for the folks who depend on us day in day out. Our facility is Certified Humane, USDA inspected, and has capacity for beef, pork, lamb, and goat.

We have expanded the plant several times (most recently in 2023) since we began operating here in the fall of 2016. We process all of our products here, and offer processing services to other local farmers. In our town of 1100, this facility provides jobs for over 20 people.
Because we oversee all of our own processing, we’re able to set the high butchering standards, offer our customers a unique catalog of products, and bring about a new generation of whole animal butchers.